Corporate Profile
Registered in 1991, PLAZMA Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is run by entrepreneurial founder team of Hughen and Arundhati.
Based on a technology of unlimited growth befitting the needs of the present and the future, Plazma is always looking beyond metal cutting into other application in Metal Welding, Medical Sciences, and Material Waste Disposal and so on.
The President of India conferred the ‘National Invention Award’ on Mr. Hughen for his innovative design in 1994. The United States of America granted US Patent for his invention of the Plasma Cutting Torch in year 2000 for his first Indian Patent within Welding/Cutting Industry. The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India Undertaking also certified PLAZMA as the ‘In-House Research & Development unit for Plasma Research’. In year 2000, Mr. Hughen won the CMTI-PMT ‘Best product design’ award for his “RoboPlazma™ system” instituted by the Indian Machine Tool Association for 2 years consecutively as “best product design” award in year 2004 and 2006 for his design of “RoboPlazma™ System”.
Present customer base is spread over 1000 Users comprising of large Public Sectusaor Units, Giant Indian Corporate, Multinationals and small as well as medium sectors all India, USA, Africa, Kuwait, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Middle East, South Africa and other countries.
PLAZMA has setup a state of art “Technology Center” to showcase various continuous Industrial developments. It has over 25 different projects under development to answer the continuous customer needs. Every new application leads to breaking new Industrial barriers to provide cost effective state of art solution. Any visitor can witness manual, Trolley, Template profiler, 2D to 3D movable RoboPlazma™ cutting, for every kind and type of applications.
A company is fully self-supporting debt free organization, that believes in sharing its profits with its customers, employees and agents, located in the industrial belt of Pune and housed in 1800 Square Meters of factory premises. The plant is equipped with necessary machineries and testing facilities. Considering the growth potential and export demand for RoboPlazma™ system.
A team from India Lab, MIT, USA visited our company in 2010-11 and again in 2016-17 to evaluate the Plazma™ solutions for its various developed products.
Plazma enjoys patronage of the various industiral agencies of India, sich as Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) has a mandate to carry out the activities relating to indigenous technology promotion, development, utilization and transfer. Plazma’s in-house R&D center has approved by DSIR. SRIJAN, the collaborative programme of TIFAC & SIDBI, has provided finance to Plazma for it’s innovative product “RoboPlazma™”
Plazma is socially responsible in addressing the gap between educational institutes and the industry by linking theoretical education with practical applications. This is creating a strong talent pool for Plazma that is driving further innovation and development. Plazma’s founders are actively involved with Business Schools across Maharashtra, schools (for Robotics and STEM),semi-urban and rural Engineering Institutes such as College of Engineering – Pune, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, etc., Educational Partners and the community as a whole to generate this talent pool. With Educational Partners, Plazma is building training courses on practical aspects such as Innovation Engineering, Social Engineering, Leadership training, etc.
The vision of the company is to provide total PLAZMA Cutting solutions with the best cutting economics and global quality to global users. To market its range of products in India and overseas, PLAZMA is aggressively looking for finance for worldwide grass-root level market penetration.